WWDC 2018

WWDC is here and there are a lot of things that we are waiting to be release such as the new IPad Pro and the new IOS 12.



After the release of the IPhone X with Face ID, most people think that the new iPad will have Face ID as well as reduce of the frames.

it is also think that it will have the same chip that the iPhone 8 and iPhone X have (A11 Bionic). 

another characteristic is that it will have better quality of camera, and even introducing a dual camera, like iPhone X characteristics: Portrait Lightning and Animoji.

Other thing believed is the elimination of the Home Button.

IOS 12:

Other rumors about IOS 12 is that it will have a new dark mode for all apps, a grouped face time call and others and always on display showing  the time and other characteristics that will probably show in the presentation.

There aren't more rumors about other things.

The most important things that are spectated and with a huge change in relation with last models or operative system is the new iPad and IOS.

Also a new Mac is spectated and the operative system of Watch and Mac.