The new sound of home:
The home Pod is a smart speaker that adapts to the space of the room. the Home Pod also has Siri with makes to interact with the music* and with your house*2 just with your voice.
*requirers Apple Music
*2Requirers Home App
High fidelity audio:
The Home Pod has 8 speakers all around for you to have the best music experience.
There are also six microphones that are able to recognize your voice calling for Siri "Hey Siri" even if the music is loud and you are far away from the Home Pod (Inside the room)
Automatically room adaptation:
The Home Pod adapts to the room automatically to have a better sound experience. You can also pair two Home Pods to have an stereo audio with an incredible sound.
Air Play 2 can play different songs in different devices (ex: A song in the kitchen with Home Pod, other in living room with Apple TV and other song in your bedroom with Home Pod)
With Siri on the Home Pod you will be able to make lots of actions such as playing the next song, turning off the lights, turning up the volume...
Siri can hear you wherever you are (inside the room) and doesn't matter how loud the volume is, Siri will hear you.
To make Music actions with Siri such as playing a playlist, will only work with the Apple Music App, in other case the Home Pod will be able to play songs From other apps.